You can easily configure Sailor CSS for managing your media queries.
All the breakpoints in the map $s-breakpoints
in your config.scss
file will be automatically available for all responsive utility classes name.
// You can modify the values as you wish
$s-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 1024px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1400px,
xxxl: 1600px,
How to use
You only add the breakpoint name as the prefix of your class in your markup. Always start use it with the mobile-first approach.
In the following example, on sm
, the padding bottom will be 'quarter'. On md
and up, it will be 'full'.
In the following example, the grid layout will be 1 colum on sm
, 2 columns on md
and 4 columns on xxl
Prefix separator
You have the possibility to change the separator of the prefix used in front of the layout and utility classes. Default is ":".
The result classes will be md:grid-col-2
. If you change it for "--", the result classes will be md--grid-col-2
$s-responsive-prefix-separator: ":",
PurgeCSS extractor
If you use the ":" class name prefix with PurgeCSS, you will need this custom extractor for the breakpoints prefix.
If you use this with Overdog for Craft CMS, it's part of the built-in Webpack config.