Helper classes for colors are created for background-color and text color. They also are compiled as CSS custom properties (CSS variables).
Add your project colors to the map $s-colors
in the config.scss
file. You can use any valid color value (HEX, RGB, HSL).
$s-colors: (
'primary': #9085da,
'white': rgb(255,255,255),
'black': hsl(0, 0%, 13%),
'gray-light': #f1f5f8,
// edit and add yours
You can nested them inside any valid CSS selector (class, id, data-attribute, etc.).
$s-colors: (
'bg': #FFFFFF,
"text": #111111,
"primary": #9085DA,
// nested example with data attribute selector
"[data-theme='dark']": (
"bg": #111111,
"text": #FFFFFF,
"primary": #9085DA,
// other nested example with class selector
".theme-sepia": (
"bg": #FFF5CC,
"text": #000000,
"primary": #9085DA,
Compiled output
All the colors in the map $s-colors
will be automatically added to :root and available as CSS variable (custom properties)
:root {
--primary: #9085da,
--white: rgb(255,255,255),
--black: hsl(0, 0%, 13%),
--gray-light: #f1f5f8,
How to use it
You can refer to these variables anywhere in your CSS files like this :
.staff-card {
background-color: var(--white);
color: var(--primary);
Color utility classes
Utilty classes for text color and background color will be automatically created for all your $s-colors
colors at the first level (not if only present in a nested map).
.color-primary {
color: var(--primary);
.color-black {
color: var(--black);
.bg-white {
background-color: var(--white);
.bg-primary {
background-color: var(--primary);
// etc